Fill in the Blanks with Suitable Adjectives with Answers (Class 12)

Fill in the Blanks with Suitable Adjectives with Answers,

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Fill in the Blanks with Suitable Adjectives with Answers

  1. What is the ………… (latest, last)
  2. There is ………..milk in this glass than that. (fewer, less)
  3. The …………bank is two miles from here. (next, nearest)
  4. Shyam is ……………..than Mohan. (elder, older)
  5. The …………..chapters of this book are very difficult. (two first, first two)
  6. The thief stole………… I had. (a little, the little, little)
  7. He is ………………than his brother. (dull, duller)
  8. Our result shall be declared without ……………delay. (farther, further)
  9. ………………days rest is enough to make him fresh. (a few, few, the few)
  10. There is …………..water in the pot. (some, any)

Check Your Answers

  1. What is the latest news?
  2. There is less milk in this glass than that.
  3. The nearest bank is two miles from here.
  4. Shyam is older than Mohan.
  5. The first two chapters of this books are very difficult.
  6. The thief stole the little money I had.
  7. He is duller than his brother.
  8. Our result shall be declared without further delay.
  9. A few days rest is enough to make him fresh.
  10. There is some water in the pot.

Fill in the Blanks with Suitable Adjectives with Answers

  1. Which of the three rooms is the ……………….?(big)
  2. Who is ……………. Hamid or Shahid? (bright)
  3. My sister is ………… me. (old)
  4. That is the …………….story that I have ever read. (good)
  5. He has the …………….hope of success. (little)
  6. The condition of the patient is much ………………today. (well)
  7. Who is the ……………..teacher on your staff? (old)
  8. This question is …………….than the previous one. (difficult)
  9. He did not give any …………..arguments. (far)
  10. Smoking is …………harmful than drinking. (little)
  11. The crow is a ……….bird. (clever)
  12. My father is ………………than my uncle. (old)
  13. Cotton cloth is ………………than the woollen cloth. (cheap)
  14. Which is the …………… from the earth? (far)
  15. Mrs Gandhi made her ……………speech at Bhuvaneshwar. (late)

Check Your Answers

  1. Which of the three rooms is the biggest?
  2. Who is brighter Hamid or Shahid?
  3. My sister is elder to me.
  4. That is the best story that I have ever read.
  5. He has the least hope of success.
  6. The condition of the patient is much better today.
  7. Who is the older teacher on your staff?
  8. This question is more difficult than the previous one.
  9. He did not give any further arguments.
  10. Smoking is less harmful than drinking.
  11. The crow is a clever bird.
  12. My father is elder than my uncle.
  13. Cotton cloth is cheaper than woollen cloth.
  14. Which is the farther star from the earth?
  15. Mrs Gandhi made her latest speech at Bhuvaneshwar.

Fill in the Blanks with Suitable Adjectives with Answers

  1. No less than five boys can do this work.
  2. This is the better than the two books.
  3. Wisdom is more preferable to riches.
  4. He is one of the better boys.
  5. My all resources are now exhausted.
  6. He felt shame.
  7. He is junior than I.
  8. I answered much questions.
  9. He came latter than I expected.
  10. The population of Delhi is greater than Agra.

Check Your Answers

  1. No fewer than five boys can do this work.
  2. This is the better of the two books.
  3. Wisdom is preferable to riches.
  4. He is one of the best boys.
  5. All my resources are now exhausted.
  6. He felt ashamed.
  7. He is junior to me.
  8. I answered many questions.
  9. He came later than I expected.
  10. The population of Delhi is greater than that of Agra.

Fill in the Blanks with Suitable Adjectives with Answers

  1. I shall not buy some mangoes.
  2. He is the eldest man in my village.
  3. I do not like these kind of novels.
  4. She was an old poor woman.
  5. He is superior than me.
  6. This is the best of the two books.
  7. This is a more better proposal.
  8. He is one of my best friend.
  9. He is senior than you.
  10. The flowers smell sweetly.

Check Your Answers

  1. I shall not buy any mangoes.
  2. He is the oldest man in my village.
  3. I do not like these kinds of novels.
  4. She was an old poor woman.
  5. He is superior to me.
  6. This is the better of the two books.
  7. This is a better proposal.
  8. He is one of my best friends.
  9. He is senior to you.
  10. The flowers smell sweet.

Fill in the Blanks with Suitable Adjectives with Answers

  1. Taj Mahal is the most best building in India.
  2. I am senior than him.
  3. You will be more happier in your own village than here.
  4. Give me little milk in my tea.
  5. He did not give some books to me.
  6. Ramesh is senior than Mohan in service.
  7. Milk is preferable than tea.
  8. Of the two boys Mohan was the most intelligent.
  9. This pen is much more cheaper than that.
  10. He is senior than you.
  11. She prefers mangoes than grapes.
  12. She is the more cleverer than her sister.
  13. Which is the best of the two boys?
  14. This question is the easiest of the two.

Check Your Answers

  1. Taj Mahal is the best building in India.
  2. I am senior to him.
  3. You will be happier in your own village than here.
  4. Give me a little milk in my tea.
  5. He did not give any books to me.
  6. Ramesh is senior to Mohan in service.
  7. Milk is preferable to tea.
  8. Of the two boys, Mohan was the more intelligent.
  9. This pen is much cheaper than that.
  10. He is senior to you.
  11. She prefers mangoes to grapes.
  12. She is the cleverer than her sister.
  13. Which is the better of the two boys?
  14. This question is the easier of the two.

Fill in the Blanks with Suitable Adjectives with Answers

  1. The servant has not been given some food for two days.
  2. I stayed with my friend for few days only.
  3. My sister is older to me.
  4. This washing powder is much superior than that.
  5. Which of your brothers is elder, Gopal or Mukesh?
  6. This carpet is better than all the carpets I have ever seen.
  7. This question is the easiest of the two.
  8. Will you give the old man any help, please?
  9. You may have to experience little inconvenience if you travel by bus.
  10. The outermost walls of this room are to be painted green.

Check Your Answers

  1. The servant has not been given any food for two days.
  2. I stayed with my friend for a few days only.
  3. My sister is elder to me.
  4. This washing powder is much superior to that.
  5. Which of your brothers is older, Gopal or Mukesh?
  6. This carpet is the best of all the carpets I have ever seen.
  7. This question is the easier of the two.
  8. Will you give the old man any help, please?
  9. You may have to experience a little inconvenience if you travel by bus.
  10. The outer walls of this room are to be painted green.